The Scorpion God: Atlantean Witchblood Semi-Deluxe Edition
PUBLICATION DATE: February 2025 – PRE-ORDER NOW OPEN – Limited to 333 copies – single run

We expect this edition to sell out. Pre-order your copy now to avoid disappointment.
This very special grimoire is our devoted offering to Belial as Custodian of The Books of Forbidden Wisdom and GateKeeper to the Realm of Atlantean Depths,The Lord of Lords who guides Devoted Souls along the Pathways of The Scorpion God – in Revelation of the Limitless Power bestowed in the Primal Depths.
The leather is a deep, luxurious, earthen brown – illuminating the ancient power of King Belial, Lord of the Atlantean Gates – binding within its pages the Gnosis and Keys of Supreme Spiritual Alkhemy – a journey that culminates in the acquisition of all Three Crowns of Divinity beyond The Final Initiation of the Soul, in the Realm of The Eleven Primal Gods.
The brown silk ribbon marker indicates The Pathways of The Scorpion, a descent undertaken in lycanthropic projection of conscious mind and soul beyond the Gates of Fire into the Domain of Sepheranz – Queen of The Ancient Atlantean Primal Witch Gods in the Realm of The Depths, far below the Nightside Qlipothic Tree.
The Gold stamping and gilded pages accentuate the Supreme Rubedo phase – The Evolution of the Soul in attainment of The Three Great Crowns of Divinity in the Final Initiation of The Atlantean Gates of Fire.
I have included a few photographs to illuminate its beauty.
The Special Atlantean Witchblood Edition of The Scorpion God – the Third of the Enthroned Beyond Akasha series – will be hand-bound in a limited run of only 333 editions, fully bound in luxurious Earthen Brown Leather. Heavy boards. Silk Ribbon book marker. Printed on the finest, most luxurious paper in the publishing world. Quality, thick black endpapers, stamped in gold foil. Outer covers stamped front and back in gold foil with the Sacred Seals of The Primal Witchcraft. Gilded pages. Spine stamped in gold with name, title, and Primal Craft Seal. Three double gold spine bands (6 gold lines) Price 140 Euros plus shipping.
To step beyond the realms of mere Qlipothic Initiation, breaking Olde World seals upon Ancient Gates – descending into Forbidden Atlantean Depths – is the destiny of Primal Craft Devotees, who ensorcel their souls in the armour of Belial’s Flesh. As The Scorpion God, you will navigate the Pathways and Tunnels of Inner Atlantean Planes. Standing before Sepheranz, in the Realm of Her Throne, in the attainment of Three Great Crowns of the Gods, is the reward for the truly devoted who pursue this Path of Self-Deification.
PUBLICATION DATE: February 2025 – PRE-ORDER NOW OPEN – Limited to 333 copies – single run
Click the link to reserve your copy of this luxurious tome:
2. One out-of-print essay.
Price 140 Euros plus shipping
Crowning the Trident Trilogy – Beyond Akasha
The Scorpion God is the Crown of the Trident Trilogy. Of all the Primal Craft Grimoires this is the most misunderstood. Many books lay claim to holding keys to the Atlantean Depths (the hidden universal realm existing far beneath the Qlippothic Nightside). Some offer – in evocation – a glimpse of the beings who rule this realm; yet they are but reflections of true Atlantean Power. The Wisdom of Belial within this tome, lays bare the formula that allows you to not only evoke these beings, but with which you may enter their realm – transcending interdimensional gateways. The Gods who ruled this earth in the era of the Great Reptiles are the very same who ruled the First, Atlantean Realm of Man. Considered by some to be the blood and guts of Ancient Gods (because of the limitless raw power they grant) these Dark Primal Gods of the Depths, carved from the Body of Lucifer, bestow power greater than the combined forces of the Qlippothic and Empyrean realms. Ruled by the Mighty Sepheranz, the Primal Gods open pathways of the Time Veils, revealing the matrix and design upon which this world exists.
The Path of Divinity lies here – in the Depths – mastering the Hells before you may rebalance the Heavens!
This Path leads to the Crowning, in Divinity, of the soul who walks the Path of Flame through the Gateways of Queen of Hell and The Red King.
N.B. The Scorpion God grants more power than the sum of that revealed within Queen of Hell and The Red King, but if you do not follow the path within this book sequentially – it will come with a price! Do not repeat the grave error of one or two foolish occultists who attempted to access the last rites by jumping to the end of this book. That road leads to self-delusion, the Path of the Locust and the Fall. The price for such folly is one of a being in limbo – held beyond the flesh, by the spirit-hooks of The Ring of Souls! Follow the rites within the book sequentially and Belial will guard your path! Balance yourself after the rites – the power granted will open the Gateways of Ancients.
Reserve your copy of The Atlantean Witchblood Edition of The Scorpion God by clicking the link:
Details of The Enthroned Beyond Akasha EditionsDuring communion with Hecate, the instruction to create The Special Limited Enthroned Beyond Akasha Editions was received. These Special Expanded and Enhanced Limited Number Hand-made editions, bound in leather, would be the magickal vessels into which the out-of-print work would be ensorcelled. They will also contain previously unpublished material in the form of Work from The Mother Temple and Essays detailing the personal path of those inner temple members. The books will also include some previously released tutorials that we believe assist and complement the work within them. In some cases, a ritual instructional template guide to releasing the power and accessing the gateways woven within the book is included.
These are one-off editions strictly limited to 333 Hand-bound leather bound, page gilded copies.
There will be no standard version of this tome. We have a Devotee Edition of The Scorpion God. If you wish to collect and own the Full Body of Primal Craft Work – the essays, tutorials and ritual guide – in special edition books; it is recommended to acquire this Enhanced and Expanded Semi-Deluxe edition.
There is no limit on the number of copies you may purchase. However, this limited edition will be sold on a first come, first served basis. Those devotees who acquire the Atlantean Witchblood Edition will be given first opportunity to purchase upon release of The Enthroned Beyond Akasha Special Editions of The Altar of Sacrifice and The Witchblood Grail.
The cost of using such beautiful materials is relatively high. I have kept the price of the books as low as possible whilst sustaining the release of the full Enthroned Beyond Akasha Series. To that end, we are not making presentation boxes – that would push the cost too high. It is our aim that those people who seek the full body of work – the out-of-print essays and those who wish to own a special book that is treasured above their working devotee editions – may be able to acquire all the above with these special edition grimoires.
The important aspect was reintroducing the out-of-print work within the Primal Craft fold and, of course, releasing it in devotional hand-bound Grimoires.
Despite the many worldwide changes and the extra weight of the books we have opted to keep our postal costs frozen – they remain the same as they were in 2012.
We expect this edition to sell out. Pre-order your copy to avoid disappointment.
Reserve your copy by clicking this link:
Each Book will be Hand-numbered, Signed, Sigilised and Individually consecrated as The Lord of Forbidden Wisdom – The Body of Body of Belial. The sacred pathways of The Scorpion God, woven within during consecration, will connect to the Throne of Lord Belial beyond which lie Gateways to Eternity for the souls who wish to rise in spiritual evolution, arisen and reborn in The Atlantean Blood Of The Primal Witch Gods!
The Legacy of Primal Craft
Right now, every aspect of our lives is immersed in digital technology. But mark my words, one day it will all be gone. Several large blasts of EMP or a sufficiently large cataclysmic event (be that man-made or ELE via the rebalancing of World Soul) – and that is it! Books, however, will always survive. Not all of them – but enough. Come fire, flood, or quake. There will always be surviving people and there will always be books. For the continuation of its praxis, the Current, and the Understanding of The Primal Craft as a whole, this is extremely important. Be it descendants of collectors or practitioners, that which is ensorcelled within printed, hand-bound books, will support the legacy of the Primal Craft – aiding those who pass the praxis on to their kin; awakening those who rediscover this Arte. This was at the forefront of our minds when we sought the requisite vehicle to return the gnosis in the essays and place into the grimoires some of the tutorials and guides.
Price 140 Euros plus shipping
Reserve your copy of The Atlantean Witchblood Edition of The Scorpion God by clicking the link: