We are creating new and beautiful devoted offerings in an affordable semi-deluxe category. These hand-bound tomes will not only contain material that is long out of print, they will also contain previously unpublished essays detailing work within the Mother Temple, its members, and the Primal Craft Path of Flames. See below for details and purchase/reservation options.
Returning The Primal Witchflame Gnosis in Full
I have been aware for quite some time that many of you would like to acquire the now long out of print essays – those detailing the path and giving overviews of my own work, as well as those which grant a greater understanding of not just my own journey, but the Path of Flames as a whole. For a time, a separate volume containing these and other works was considered. However, a book solely containing such work, without actual ritual application, did not sit well with anyone at the Mother Temple. What we needed was a suitable vessel in which to ensorcel these now out of print works.
In considering the above, I did also take note that many people are unable to find a space on the Inner Subscriber Deluxe database. The deluxe solander boxed, millboard-bound books are made with the finest and most expensive materials in the publishing world. Added to that, many people, although they would like to, are unable to pay for such a book.
To that end, we wished to create something that was both different, very special, and also a higher calibre than our standard Devotee Editions (classed by many as deluxe level in their own right) but considerably more affordable than the 600 euro 24 Carat Gold Leaf Super Deluxes, of which there are usually only 36 copies.
The important aspect was reintroducing the out of print work within the Primal Craft fold and, of course, releasing it in devotional hand-bound Grimoires. During communion with Hecate, the instruction to create The Special Limited Enthroned Beyond Akasha Editions was received. These Special Expanded and Enhanced Limited Number Hand-made editions, bound in leather, would be the magickal vessels into which the out of print work would be ensorcelled. They will also contain previously unpublished material in the form of Work from The Mother Temple and Essays detailing the personal path of those inner temple members. The books will also include some previously released tutorials that we believe assist and complement the work within them. Including, in the case of Queen of Hell, for example, a 6 month ritual instructional template guide to releasing the power and accessing the gateways woven within the book.
Details of The Enthroned Beyond Akasha Editions
These semi-deluxe grimoires are one-off editions, strictly limited to 333 hand-bound leather bound, page gilded copies. There will be no standard version of these expanded tomes. We already have a Devotee Edition of all Primal Craft tomes. If you wish to collect and own the Full Body of Primal Craft Work – the essays, tutorials and ritual guide, in special edition books – it is recommended that you acquire these editions.
There is no limit on the number of copies you may purchase. However, this limited edition will be sold on a first come, first served basis. Those devotees who acquire the first, Dark Moon Huntress Edition of Queen of Hell will be given first offer upon release, in subscriber database mailshot of The Enthroned Beyond Akasha Special Editions of The Red King and The Scorpion God.
The cost of using such beautiful materials is relatively high. I have kept the price of the books as low as possible whilst sustaining the release of the full Enthroned Beyond Akasha Series. To that end, we are not making presentation boxes – that would push the cost too high. It is our aim that those people who seek the full body of work – the out-of-print essays and those who wish to own a special book that is treasured above their working devotee editions – may be able to acquire all the above with these special edition grimoires.
Despite the many worldwide changes and the extra weight of the books, we have opted to keep our postal costs frozen – they remain the same as they were in 2012.
Details of the First of the Expanded, Enhanced, Enthroned Beyond Akasha Editions can be found below:
Queen of Hell – Dark Moon Huntress Edition

This beautiful grimoire is our devoted offering to Hecate in Her role as Queen of Hell. The leather is the colour of the Bloodstone, attained beyond the Gate of the Silver Star. It is also the colour of the Red Andalucian (Atlantean) earth within which the Mother Temple rests, secreted in a forest grove. Lastly, it is reminiscent of the Dragon’s Blood incense used to ensoul the Books with the Bodies of the Gods. As soon as the test binding arrived – we knew this was the perfect cloak in which to ensorcel this body of work. The quality of the artisan binding is nothing short of exquisite. I have included a few photographs to illuminate its beauty.
The Special Dark Moon Huntress Edition of Queen of Hell – the First of the Enthroned Beyond Akasha series – will be Hand-Bound in a limited run of only 333 editions, fully bound in Bloodstone Leather. Heavy boards. Silk Bookmark. Printed on the finest most luxurious paper in the publishing world. Quality, thick black endpapers – stamped in gold foil. Outer covers stamped front and back in gold foil with the Sacred Seals of The Primal Witchcraft. Gilded pages. Spine stamped in gold with name, title, Primal Craft Seal. Spine stamped with 3 double gold spine bands (6 gold lines)
Price 140 Euros plus shipping
PUBLICATION DATE AUGUST 13TH – SOLD OUT – Limited to 333 copies – single run
Full Queen of Hell Grimoire
Additional Contents:
- Two previously out of print essays (out of print circa 2008 and 2009 respectively) detailing overviews of my own Primal Craft Path.
- One New Previously Unpublished / Unreleased Essay
- Ritual Template Guide to employing the work within the tome. This explanation will aid your understanding of the work within the tome and guide you over a 6 month period – allowing expansion of magickal abilities and elevation upon The Path of Flames
- Two Previously released – now reworked – tutorials that we believe vastly compliment and assist the work within Queen of Hell:
- Sexual Magickal Possession – The Key to unlocking power within the Primal Craft Grimoires.
- Godform Assumption – Trance Mediumship and Communion with the Beloved.
Price 140 Euros plus shipping
The Second of these Expanded and Enhanced Enthroned beyond Akasha Editions is The Ark of Souls Edition of The Red King:
The Red King – Ark Of Souls Edition

This very special grimoire is our devoted offering to Lucifer as Lord of Illumination, Perfect Red King of Alkhemical Sulphur and The First Father of Men and Gods who carries The Ark Souls into each new universe. The leather is a stunning white – honouring Lucifer as The Supreme Emperor of Illumination – binding within its pages the gnosis and keys of His spiritual alkhemy upon the Path of Flame.
The green ribbon marker indicates the Devil’s Green Fire, and kalas of Hecate, coursing through all Primal Craft Grimoires. The Gold stamping and gilded pages accentuate the Path of The Perfect Red King of Sulphur from nigredo through albedo and citrinas, culminating in the golden (red or rubedo) phase. We feel that the ritual work within the book, the binding and the gold stamping perfectly exemplify these stages.
I have included a few photographs to illuminate its beauty.
The Special Ark of Souls Edition of The Red King – the Second of the Enthroned Beyond Akasha series – will be Hand-Bound in a limited run of only 333 editions, fully bound in White Leather. Heavy boards. Silk Ribbon Book marker. Printed on the finest most luxurious paper in the publishing world. Quality, thick black endpapers – stamped in gold foil. Outer covers stamped front and back in gold foil with the Sacred Seals of The Primal Witchcraft. Gilded pages. Spine stamped in gold with name, title, Primal Craft Seal. Spine stamped with 3 double gold spine bands (6 gold lines) Price 140 Euros plus shipping.
To know The True Face of Lucifer – away from renaissance eras interwoven with christian entanglements and false connections of re-written history, or the fantasies of dead-end supposed draconian paths – is the destiny of the soul who walks the Path of Flame, that unfolds in the Books of Lucifer, bound within The Red King. To open this grimoire is to embrace Wisdom – Understanding the Knowledge of Thaumiel’s Lord, The True Face of Lucifer – The Perfect Red King!
PUBLICATION DATE JUNE 21st 2024 – NOW AVAILABLE – Limited to 333 copies – Single Run
We expect this edition to sell out. Order your copy to avoid disappointment
Click the link to reserve your copy of this luxurious tome:
The Red King Full Grimoire
Additional Contents:
- Introduction to The Ark of Souls Edition
- Two previously published essays (one out of print circa 2009) detailing overviews of my own Primal Craft Path.
- One New Previously Unpublished / Unreleased Essay detailing work with Lucifer
- Ritual Template Overview – a guide to employing the work within the tome. This explanation will aid your understanding of the work within the tome – allowing expansion of magickal abilities and elevation upon The Path of Flames
- Two Previously released – now reworked – tutorials that we believe vastly compliment and assist the work within The Primal Craft Grimoires:
Evocation and Mirror Gateway Work with Lucifer – The arte of the goetic triangle, mirror evocation and temple gateway construction.
Transcending magickal gateways and thresholds – inner plane exploration and spirit pot creation
Price 140 Euros plus shipping
Reserve your copy of The Ark of Souls Edition of The Red King by clicking the link below:
The Scorpion God – Atlantean Witchblood Edition

This very special grimoire is our devoted offering to Belial as Custodian of The Books of Forbidden Wisdom and GateKeeper to the Realm of Atlantean Depths, The Lord of Lords who guides Devoted Souls along the Pathways of The Scorpion God – in Revelation of the Limitless Power bestowed in the Primal Depths. The leather is a deep, luxurious, earthen brown – illuminating the ancient power of KingBelial, Lord of the Atlantean Gates – binding within its pages the Gnosis and Keys of Supreme Spiritual Alkhemy – a journey that culminates in the acquisition of all Three Crowns of Divinity beyond The Final Initiation of the Soul, in the Realm of The Eleven Primal Gods.
The brown silk ribbon marker indicates The Pathways of The Scorpion, a descent undertaken in lycanthropic projection of conscious mind and soul beyond the Gates of Fire into the Domain of Sepheranz – Queen of The Ancient Atlantean Primal Witch Gods in the Realm of The Depths, far below the Nightside Qlipothic Tree.
The Gold stamping and gilded pages accentuate the Supreme Rubedo phase – The Evolution of the Soul in attainment of The Three Great Crowns of Divinity in the Final Initiation of The Atlantean Gates of Fire.
PUBLICATION DATE February 2025- PRE-ORDER NOW OPEN – Limited to 333 copies – single run
We expect this edition to sell out. Pre-order your copy to avoid disappointment
Click the link to reserve your copy of this luxurious tome:
The Special Atlantean Witchblood Edition of The Scorpion God– the Third of the Enthroned Beyond Akasha series – will be Hand-Bound in a limited run of only 333 editions, fully bound in luxurious Earthen Brown Leather. Heavy boards. Silk Ribbon Book marker. Printed on the finest most luxurious paper in the publishing world. Quality, thick black endpapers – stamped in gold foil. Outer covers stamped front and back in gold foil with the Sacred Seals of The Primal Witchcraft. Gilded pages. Spine stamped in gold with name, title, Primal Craft Seal. Three double gold spine bands (6 gold lines) Price 140 Euros plus shipping.
To step beyond the realms of mere Qlipothic Initiation, breaking Olde World seals upon Ancient Gates – descending into Forbidden Atlantean Depths – is the destiny of Primal Craft Devotees who ensorcel their souls in the armour of Belial’s Flesh. As The Scorpion God, you will navigate the Pathways and Tunnels of Inner Atlantean Planes. Standing before Sepheranz, in the Realm of Her Throne, In the attainment of Three Great Crowns of the Gods is the reward for the truly devoted who pursue this Path of Self-Deification!
PUBLICATION DATE February 2025 – PRE-ORDER NOW OPEN – Limited to 333 copies – single run
We expect this edition to sell out. Pre-order your copy to avoid disappointment
Click the link to reserve your copy of this luxurious tome:
The Scorpion God Full Grimoire
Additional Contents:
1. Introduction to The Atlantean Witchblood Special Edition – a ritual commentary and intro.
2. One out of print essay.
3. Several Previously Unpublished / Unreleased Essays:
4. Atlantean Devil Queen – Encountering the First Face of Sepheranz
5. The Eldoroth – Kindred of The Atlantean Goddess
6. The Wisdom of Belial – Forging The Soul Through the Realms of The Primal Atlantean Gods
7. Faces of a King – Originally published in 2009 and now out of print. This essay is an extremely personal account of work undertaken with Lord Belial, Behemoth, Hecate and the Moires. The necessity of malefica in defence of those we love is revealed within this piece; illuminating my early encounters with the Lord of Lords.
Price 140 Euros plus shipping.
Reserve your copy of The Atlantean Witchblood Edition of The Scorpion God by clicking the link:
The Legacy of Primal Craft
Right now every aspect of our lives is immersed in digital technology. But mark my words, one day it will all be gone. several large blasts of EMP or a sufficiently large cataclysmic event (be that man-made or ELE via the rebalancing of World Soul) – and that is it! Books however, will always survive. Not all of them – but enough. Come fire, flood, quake. There will always be surviving people and there will always be books. For the continuation of its praxis, the Current, and the Understanding of The Primal Craft as a whole, this is extremely important. Be it descendants of collectors or practitioners, that which is ensorcelled within printed, hand-bound books, will support the legacy of the Primal Craft – aiding those who pass the praxis on to their kin; awakening those who rediscover this Arte. This was at the forefront of our minds when we sought the requisite vehicle through which to return the gnosis in the essays and place into the grimoires some of the tutorials and guides.
Price 140 Euros plus shipping